Ortho Bionomy Therapy

Sometimes the body’s natural ability to remain balanced is short-circuited by stress, injury, accident, improper posture, emotional experiences or by overtaxing the body’s limits. When the body is out of balance, it adapts as well as it can, but in the process it may create patterns of even greater stress. The simplicity of Ortho-Bionomy means the practitioner and client may work together to re-educate dysfunctional patterns and restore normal functioning. Exaggerating the body's preferred postures, thereby permits the body's self-healing process to create greater balance and alignment. By working WITH the body and not against it, the body could find balance on its own without having to use force to correct it. Function, structural alignment, balance and overall well-being improve.

Contraindications your horse may encounter:

Ortho-Bionomy Therapy may assist a variety of problems; these include, but are not limited to:

  • Muscle spasms

  • Adhesions (knots)

  • Sprains and strains

  • Stiffness

  • Poor flexibility

  • Uneven gait

  • Inability to track-up

  • Lack of cadence

  • Transition problems

  • Difficulty collecting or extending


Ortho Bionomy Therapy is a gentle, non-invasive, osteopathically-based form of body therapy, which is highly effective in working with chronic stress, injuries, pains, associated with postural & structural imbalances.

Benefits include:

  • Reduce muscle tension.

  • Soothing the joints.

  • Increased flexibility & range of motion.

  • Improve circulation

  • Relax entire body

How it works

Ortho-Bionomy stimulates the body's self-correcting and self-balancing reflexes by way of the proprioceptive reflexes located in our joints and muscles. The practitioner uses movement and gentle compression to find positions of comfort which allow the body to change the stress and pain patterns which are causing the discomfort.

Ortho-Bionomy helps to break the cycle of pain. It works by stimulating appropriate reflexes that monitor the lengthening and contracting of our muscle system. This then allows the body to change the stress and pain patterns, which are causing the discomfort. Educational movements may be taught to help perpetuate the release of tension and muscle contractions. The release of tension and stress in the body brings about the relief from pain and discomfort.

Ortho-Bionomy also employs the homeopathic concept that what cannot be cured from within cannot be cured from without. Using gentle positioning and light touch, Ortho-Bionomy stimulates inner awareness to awaken a sense of natural balance and well-being, both physically and emotionally. The inner wisdom of the body is recognized and affirmed.